As posted earlier, there is a serious bug in the Console process of APEman. This affects Add-ons, Editions, and APEup (the updater). A temporary fix has been released that will at least allow APEup to function so you can update the Lemur bits.
Please download the attached lemur-fix.tar.gz file, extract the lemur-fix file, and make it executable (chmod +x). Then run it from a terminal. When the script completes, you can then run APEman and run the update via the APEup button. It was tested here on 3 different machines and it worked. This fix ONLY fixes the APEup function. It does not fix the Add-ons and Editions bug. Those will be fixed with the next release of Lemur or APEman (whichever comes first).
As soon as I install the alpha, I'll install the patch. I'm downloading via Elive Linux where I'm helping Samuel out on the forum. I'll report back tomorrow on how it goes.
A Liquid Lemur fan since the Palemoon days & when Ed was selling hardware as well. Also a DreamLinux user (then on to Saline). Began with Libranet.
Now it's Sparky JWM (Debian Testing) & Siduction (Debian Sid) while I see how Lemur pans out.
(05-20-2018, 10:59 PM)LarryDC Wrote: Ed,
As soon as I install the alpha, I'll install the patch. I'm downloading via Elive Linux where I'm helping Samuel out on the forum. I'll report back tomorrow on how it goes.
Hey Larry!
Welcome back! Thanks for testing things out. This new release is/was more of a test release. I've already fixed a ton of issues and hope to have a more solid release out soon. My goal of having a hybrid Window Maker is almost complete.
I recently got a new PC and finally got Lemur installed and all setup. I ran the lemur-fix and noticed it's missing a line of code. So, it's really not fixing anything. lol
I'm not going to worry about fixing the fix because the second Alpha should be out soon AND since no one else mentioned it I don't think there is too many using Lemur at the moment.
Talk about taking my time!! I ended going out of the country for 8 months while my big rig that has Lemur 3.o on it was in storage.
I'm back and got the bright idea of enlarging the partitions on the 2 distros that I started using while I was on my laptop at my mother-in-law's in Cochabamba: Sparky JWM (Debian Testing distro out of Poland) and Siduction (Debian Sid). Doing so scrambled the "hd0,21 chainload..." entries in menu.lst (Yes, I still prefer old Grub).
Lo and behold I booted up into your 3.0 Alpha . ApeMan News said you had a 4.1 iso so I just downloaded it.
I'll install it over this 3.0.
So tomorrow I'll get back to you if I can boot into it.
Since I'm retired now, I can be your Forum Mod. I did it for a while for Samuel on Elive. But he was stuck in Debian Wheezy so long I had to bail: I will not use a distro that won't run keepassxc.
It's amazing you, and your cohorts (I recognize some of them from my old Dreamlinux days with Nelson the pilot.), got Lemur back on track: GREAT
More tomorrow. And Thanks for your hard work & perseverance.
A Liquid Lemur fan since the Palemoon days & when Ed was selling hardware as well. Also a DreamLinux user (then on to Saline). Began with Libranet.
Now it's Sparky JWM (Debian Testing) & Siduction (Debian Sid) while I see how Lemur pans out.