State of the Lemur
I thought I would update everyone with the current state of all things Lemur…
As you may know, Lemur development has been moving at a snail’s pace lately. To add to the slow development, I’ve had a couple of family members that were sick and in the hospital. I’ve had to work different shifts at my job which threw me out of sync. I’m working a full-time, physically demanding job and trying to run my own business at the same time. It can be exhausting at times! These things have been a big reason for slow development of Lemur. And now… Lemur development is at a standstill. Recently, my PC died. I thought it was the hard drive, but it was actually the motherboard. I didn’t want to put more money into an older PC. So, I got a new-used PC online. It was a nice little machine that could compile code 10x faster than my old one. The graphics card was lacking but I was planning to upgrade it. Well, this PC started acting up so I sent it back. My laptop had Windows 10 on it and I do have a Mac Pro I use for my business. I decided to put Lemur development on hold till I decided what to do. During that time, I needed some files from my external drive (an ext4 drive) for my work. I used a third party app to force Windows to read the ext4 partition. I got the files I needed and disconnected the external drive (properly I might add). Shortly after that, I decided I would use my laptop for Lemur development. I wiped it clean and installed Lemur 3.0. I then attempted to access my external drive to move my Lemur files over to the laptop. The external drive was corrupt somehow and I was only able to save bits and pieces of Lemur. In addition to losing Lemur, I also lost most of my other backups. Luckily about 90% of it was still on my Mac.
So, what did I save? I have the Lemur ISO, the build tools, and some of the custom scripts. What I don’t have is any of the custom Lemur apps, to include the installer, custom Window Maker bits, or any other custom bits for that matter. I was planning to re-code all those apps, but I had hoped to do them one at a time and slowly phase them in.
Where does Lemur currently stand now? Well, Lemur is installed on my laptop. The build tools are in place, but pretty much useless without all the other Lemur bits. My priority right now is to get the custom Window Maker bits back in place and then start working on the custom apps. I haven’t decided if I will code them in Python or go back to Ruby (used in the early Lemurs). I do know I will not go back to Gambas.
My question is…is this all worth it? It seems like there is only 3 or 4 people using Lemur (I use it full time, btw). I know Window Maker isn’t the most popular and a Hybrid Window Maker is even less popular. But it would be nice to get some feedback. So, do I continue or throw in the towel? I would like to hear from people on this…
5 thoughts on “State of the Lemur”
I have been following your work since the Dreamlinux days. I would be willing to wait for a usable project. I tried to install(dual-boot with Win10) but borked my mbr. Don’t stress about this project if it interferes with Family or Sanity. Best wishes!
Thanks Raymond! Yes, Windows 10 is a pain! Well, I had some free time yesterday and managed to recode three of the custom Lemur apps in Ruby. So, development is moving forward. I decided to go with Ruby because some of the early Lemur apps actually came from DreamStep (my Dreamlinux Window Maker) which I had backed up to DVD. That means I don’t have to start totally from scratch.
I hope to get some more work done this weekend. Things aren’t as bad as initially thought. 😁
Keep at it Ed…I’d love to see the next release
Thanks Bob!
I’m still at it. It’s just slow going having to start over from scratch.
Hi Ed,
I have been looking for a distro like this for a while. Please do keep working on it, if you can without shirking your family or otherr commitments. I would love to see this rise out of the shadows and shine.